British Embassy Denies Fuel Supply Shortage

The problem is that the UK is short of drivers for HGV heavy trucks.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The British Embassy in Indonesia denied there was a problem with the availability of fuel and HVGS (heavy vehicles) in the UK, Friday (1/10). The problem that occurs is the temporary shortage of HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicle) heavy truck drivers due to Covid-19. The British Embassy acknowledged that Brexit was a factor in the problem, albeit on a small scale. However, the government is aware that there is a shortage of HGV heavy truck drivers across Europe as well. Research from Transport Intelligence estimates that the shortage of drivers from mainland Europe is around 400,000. “We know that this sector has long-term structural problems, including an aging workforce, which is exacerbated by various short-term factors such as Covid-19,” said the British Embassy in Indonesia in a statement received To overcome this problem, the British government has taken several steps to overcome it. The move included placing a limited number of military personnel as tanker drivers. They are ready to deploy if needed, to further stabilize the supply chain.”Provided 5,000 visas for HGV heavy truck drivers over a three-month period, providing short-term assistance to the freight industry ahead of Christmas,” the British Embassy said. In addition, deploying test teams for drivers from the Ministry of Defence to enhance HGV testing capabilities in the UK. Plus implementing a temporary exception to the Competition Act known as the Downstream Oil Protocol. The decision allows the industry to share information and prioritize the easy delivery of fuel to parts of the country where it is needed most. In addition, the UK has invested £10 million to set up a new skills training camp and train up to 3,000 HGV heavy truck drivers. There are an additional 1,000 people to train through local level trainings. “Our message to drivers is to remain tactful and just refuel as usual,” the British Embassy said.

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