Bryan Adams drops new single Never Gonna Rain

Bryan Adams has shared the new single ‘Never Gonna Rain’.

The Canadian rock god has given fans another taste of his upcoming 15th studio album, ‘So Happy It Hurts’, which arrives on March 11.

Speaking of the upbeat nature of the number, Bryan said: “The ultimate optimist is someone who keeps on expecting the best, even in the face of the worst. Living in the moment, instead of in fear. Turning the negatives into positives. Taking the rain and turning it into a gift.”

The latest track is the fourth single to be taken from the follow-up to 2019’s ‘Shine a Light’, following the release of the anthemic title track and subsequent singles ‘On The Road’ and ‘Kick Ass’.

Meanwhile, the ‘Summer of ’69’ hitmaker recently admitted he would be “thrilled” if no one remembered him.

The 62-year-old musician-and-photographer wouldn’t mind if all traces of him were removed from the Internet and no one knew of his existence

He said: “I couldn’t care less if I’m remembered or not. In fact, if I woke up tomorrow and there was no trace of me on the internet, I’d be thrilled.”

However, Bryan admitted he’s had one legacy suggested to him that he enjoys the idea of.

He continued: “Although… I once did an interview with a Brazilian journalist who asked me if I knew how many kisses my songs were responsible for.

“I had never thought about that before. He calculated that it would be in the billions. I really liked that.

“Imagine being responsible for a billion kisses! That would be okay with me, because without love we are nothing. So to be able to bring a little love into this world… that means everything to me.”

While he’s photographed a range of people and places over the years, it’s his portraits of his family that mean the most to the ‘Heaven’ hitmaker.

Asked which of his photos say the most about him, he said: “The photos of my family. I treasure them more than anything.

“I sat with my grandfather and photographed him when he was 89. We talked about his time as a Royal Engineer in the World Wars. He was so humble. I miss my grandparents terribly.”

Bryan embarks on the UK leg of the ‘So Happy It Hurts’ tour in spring, kicking off in Brighton on May 13, and wrapping at the Blickling Estate in Norfolk on July 8.

Tickets are on sale now via

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