Budget 2022: Gov’t proposes $8,000 penalty for overweight trucks

Photo: iStock

Photo: iStock

Finance Minister Colm Imbert said penalties will be increased for illegally overweight trucks from $750 to $8,000.

Speaking in Parliament today during his 2022 Budget contribution, Imbert said overweight trucks cause considerable damage to the nation’s roads.

“The infrastructure damage sustained by overweight trucks continues to be a major concern. One legal truck causes the same amount of damage to a road as approximately 9,600 cars.”

“However one truck overloaded by over 20 per cent could cause the same amount of damage as 19,000 cars.”

“A truck overloaded by 100 per cent could cause the same damage as 18 legal trucks.”

“To deal with this the Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) has launched weight control stations at Caroni and Golconda. Weighing at these locations over the period October 2018 to March 2019, indicated that of the 126 trucks weighed, 94 per cent of the vehicles weighed were overweight, six per cent of which were overweight by more than 100 per cent.”

Imbert said as a result the penalties would be increased from $750 to $8,000.

He said the measure will take place from January 1, 2022.

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Photo: iStock

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