+++ Bundestag election – News +++: Reports: Violent dispute between Merz and Brinkhaus – FDP and Greens continue to discuss Friday morning

Bremen political scientist Lothar Probst sees little chance for a Jamaica coalition led by CDU leader Armin Laschet. Read the full interview here.

The President of the German Association of Cities, Burkhard Jung (SPD), has warned against a hangover in the talks about a new federal government . “There shouldn’t be long probes. We want coalition negotiations as soon as possible, ”said the Mayor of Leipzig to the“ Rheinische Post ”. “Our country cannot afford a hangover.” Urgent questions need to be tackled wisely. “We cities want to remain livable and innovative for people across the country. The federal government must provide a good framework for this. “

Many young people had voted for the FDP in the federal election. Board member Marco Buschmann is therefore in high spirits.

SPD candidate for chancellor Olaf Scholz calls on the occasion of the German Day Unity increased efforts to harmonize both parts of the country.

Like Scholz, SPD leader Saskia Esken also recalled the historic achievement of the East German demonstrators in the Autumn 1989, which almost a year later, on October 3, 1990, led to the unification of the two German states. “I take my hat off to the many courageous people who have overcome a dictatorship by peaceful means,” tweeted Esken. The people had developed new perspectives and helped to build democratic structures. The 31st anniversary of German unity will be on Sunday in Halle an der Saale committed . A service and a celebration are planned, at which Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) as well as Scholz and Union Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet are expected.

Immediately before the first exploratory rounds to form a new federal government , the FDP increases the pressure on the Union . “The CDU and CSU have to clarify whether they really want to lead a government,” said FDP leader Christian Lindner of “Bild am Sonntag”. “Some of the comments from the CDU speculate that negotiations with the SPD should fail before the Union comes back into play. You cannot expect our country to do that. ” With this, Lindner has doubts about a Jamaica coalition made up of the Union, the Greens and the FDP. The Jamaica coalition is an alternative to the traffic light coalition made up of the SPD, Greens and FDP, the two most likely alliances for forming the future government.

The schedule for Sunday looks like this:

  • In the afternoon the SPD and FDP meet for their first talks.
  • In the evening there are soundings by the SPD with the Greens and the CDU with the FDP.

Lindner confirmed that the FDP was ready for serious talks with the Union. “One thing is clear: our overlaps with the Union parties are greater than with the SPD.” The Greens, who see more in common with the SPD than with the Union, set the course for the explorations on Saturday at a small party congress.

SPD leader Norbert Walter-Borjans was confident that his party would come to an agreement with the Greens and the FDP by December . “This time we don’t have to probe until we drop,” he told the “Welt am Sonntag”. You need a big common line and you don’t have to write down every detail in a coalition agreement.

At their federal congress next Saturday in Erfurt , the Green Youth will vote against a coalition with CDU / CSU and FDP . “There isn’t one reason for Jamaica – but there are many reasons against it. For us, a Jamaica coalition is out of the question ”, it says in an urgency motion of the federal executive committee. “In our view, helping the loser to become chancellor is not an option.” our time”. “She was voted out of office for this.” A new government must stand for real change, demands the board of directors of the youth organization of the Greens. “Consistent climate protection and real social justice must be brought together. Important investments in the future must not fail because of the dogma of the black zero. ”

The preferred partner of the board in a future government it is clear : “With the SPD there are strong content-related overlaps that form a good basis for the upcoming negotiations.” possible coalition and should not “be lost at the expense of the rich and clientele politics of the FDP” .

After the massive losses in the Bundestag election, the chairman of the Union’s young generation, Tilman Kuban , reiterates its call for a fundamental renewal of the Union. “In the CDU, no stone can now stay on top of another” , he said Head of the Junge Union of “Welt am Sonntag”. “We have to realign ourselves in terms of content and personnel.” It is “time for young minds”.

Over the past 16 years, a relatively similar generation of politicians has determined the party’s actions. “In the meantime, a lot of good people have built up in the second row, they must now be given a chance.” Kuban advocated greater involvement of the grassroots in important decisions.

The former SPD chancellor candidate Martin Schulz advises Union chancellor candidate Armin Laschet to withdraw from his own experience of the election defeat . “I cannot understand Armin Laschet’s doggedness. Anyone who incurs a minus of 9 percent in a federal election cannot claim to lead the country, ”says Schulz in the“ Bild am Sonntag ”according to the preliminary report. Laschet’s advisors would have to make it clear to him that he was damaging himself and his party by claiming the chancellery. With his behavior after the election he is only fighting for his own career.

Martin Schulz
Martin Schulz Image: Imago

When forming a new federal government, from the point of view of Employer President Rainer Dulger “quality over speed” are valid. “It is crucial that the stability and direction are right,” said Dulger of the German Press Agency.

For the new federal government must apply: Get out of hedgehog mode, into reform mode. We have to switch to a higher gear and no longer idle.

Rainer Dulger

The to-do list of the next federal government is long. “The democratic parties in the middle should therefore concentrate on forming a government that tackles the tasks that lie ahead of us courageously and swiftly.” The key word is modernization. The new government must drive innovation and not fight climate change with bureaucracy and paternalism. ” We now need relief for companies and not new taxes. We now need trust in the social partnership and no interference by the state in the minimum wage. ” , so Dulger. “But it won’t work without reforms. Regardless of whether it is about retirement, health or care: If you want to maintain social security, you have to reform it. ”The social security systems are only reliable if they can be financed in the long term. “In the upcoming exploratory and coalition talks, the focus should therefore be on quality over speed.”

The chairman of the Verdi service union, Frank Werneke, is critical of the FDP’s participation in government. On Deutschlandfunk, the union chief describes the FDP as a “security risk for workers’ rights” . Previous experience with the party had shown that with it there was a risk of redistribution in favor of the wealthy and at the expense of the broader population. or energy money. There could also be a compromise in raising the statutory minimum wage.

Before the exploratory talks this Sunday FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing calls for a progressive government . “We have our own core values ​​and an independent program that we want to implement. For that we need allies. The future government must be progressive and ready for reforms, “Wissing told the newspapers of the Funke media group according to the preliminary report. The FDP was openly entering into talks with the Union parties and the SPD. However, the Union had to clarify whether it would pull together.

The Economic Council of the CDU warns the Greens and SPD against a relaxation of the rules of the European Stability Pact in the course of explorations and coalition negotiations . “In Europe, special attention is paid to the formation of a German government,” said General Secretary Wolfgang Steiger of the RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland (RND / Sonntag) This is exactly what all those who have always seen salvation in a system of permanent EU transfers hope, “said Steiger.

Despite the internal party criticism of Union Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet , CDU General Secretary Paul Ziemiak relies on the formation of a Jamaica coalition before the exploratory talks in Berlin . “We go into talks with the FDP and the Greens with a great sense of responsibility,” said Ziemiak of “Bild am Sonntag”. “We want to make our contribution in a new future alliance to create something new for our country.”

One week after the federal election , the SPD significantly expanded its lead over the Union in an Insa survey . The Social Democrats gain two percentage points in the “Sunday trend” for “Bild am Sonntag” compared to the previous week and come to 28 percent. The Union, on the other hand, has lost three points and is 21 percent.

The Greens (plus 1/16 percent) and the FDP (plus 0.5 / 12 percent) are also increasing slightly. The AfD and the left remain at 10 and 5 percent respectively.

One week after the severe defeat in the Bundestag election, the party leadership of the Left began to come to terms with it . The party executive met in Berlin on Saturday for two-day deliberations. At the beginning there was a very serious, clear and thoughtful debate, said the co-chairs Janine Wissler and Susanne Hennig-Wellsow. Wissler called the election result a disaster. The members of the 44-strong party executive met for the first time since their online election at the end of February in a Berlin hotel Conferences with the grassroots to “hear the voices of the members”. On the question of whether there would be personnel consequences at the top, Wissler said that the current party executive was only elected relatively shortly before the general election. It is now a matter of discussing changes “in terms of political content”.

After about two hours, the CDU has their conversation about the Course ended at the upcoming meeting with the FDP and the Greens. According to information from the German Press Agency , the participants compared, among other things, the programmatic positions of the CDU with those of the FDP and the Greens. It is about where there can be extensive or rapid agreement and where there is scope for compromises.

CDU chief Armin Laschet has met with top politicians of his party for preliminary discussions for the talks with the FDP and the Greens. The Union Chancellor candidate and members of the exploratory team came together on Saturday at the party headquarters in Berlin. In the CDU it was said that confidentiality had been agreed. There will be no comments after the meeting. Laschet and the other participants entered the Adenauerhaus without a word.

The SPD top wants this Sunday meet for about two hours each for initial consultations with the FDP and the Greens about forming a government after the federal election. The meeting with the FDP at 3.30 p.m. and then with the Greens at 6 p.m. in an office and conference building in Berlin, as the SPD announced on Saturday .

A six-person delegation is to come to the talks for the SPD. These include Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz, party leaders Saskia Esken and Norbert Walter-Borjans, parliamentary group leader Rolf Mützenich, Secretary General Lars Klingbeil and the Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer.

The Greens resigned a delegation of ten around the party leaders Annalena Baerbock and Robert Habeck. Ten members of the FDP presidium around the party chairman Christian Lindner are to take part.

Austria’s Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) expected clear changes for Europe after the German Bundestag election. “This election was a turning point for Europe, which we are still properly at the European level “, Kurz said on Saturday the daily newspapers” Kurier “and” Kronen Zeitung “as well as the magazine” Profil “.

Even if the result for the conservative sister parties CDU and CSU was not as good as hoped, Kurz predicted that the course of the Federal Republic would not be completely changed. “An absolute left slide, so red-red-green is not possible, thank God.” The election day was tough for the Union. “From the outside one has the impression that not everything has gone perfectly in the CDU and CSU in recent years,” said the Chancellor.

Briefly announced resistance if a new German federal government should strive for a permanent pooling of debts in Europe. “But if Germany advocates communitisation of debts in the future, who will pay for the debts in Greece, Italy and other parts of the European Union? These are then the West and Central European taxpayers, ”said Kurz. He wants to fight against this development. Now it is important to observe the coalition negotiations in Germany. He hopes that the “FDP can counter this”.

Former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) sees one after the federal election clear mandate for a new government made up of Social Democrats, Greens and FDP. “For me there is really only one constellation: That is what you call traffic light”, he said in his podcast “The Agenda”. This would be an opportunity to renew Germany in a balanced relationship between economy and ecology. Regarding efforts by the Union for an alliance with the FDP and the Greens, Schröder said that he found it strange “that one even comes up with the idea that a coalition could be led by the clear loser of the election”.

The SPD, which thanks to Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz has become the strongest party, must claim the government mandate for itself. “But of course no longer with a cook and a waiter,” said Schröder, referring to his own earlier statements on the balance of power between the larger SPD and the smaller Greens. At that time he used this word in a different situation to reduce fears of his red-green government from 1998. “It is now clear that both the Greens and the FDP are capable of governing.” CDU as a whole “which had nothing more to offer in terms of content” . In this respect one has to put into perspective “how there is now an attempt to shift that onto a person”.

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