Business in Bulgaria raised prices in the EU the most in August

Бизнесът в България е вдигнал най-много в ЕС цените през август

© Reuters

Industrial prices in Bulgaria jumped in August the most compared to the previous month compared to all other European Union countries. According to Eurostat data, inflation is 4.1% on a monthly basis.

The acceleration of prices at the Bulgarian producer has been clearly registered since July, because in the period March – June they increase on a monthly basis in the range of 0.9-1.3%. Currently, the rate of appreciation is more than 4 times compared to that of April 2021

In the EU, inflation in terms of producer compared to the previous month is followed by Denmark (+ 3.1%) and Latvia (+2.6%).

On an annual basis, the Bulgarian indicator (+ 17.1%) is far from the worst. Compared to August 2020, the highest inflation was registered in Ireland (+ 54.8%), Belgium (+ 23.9%), Denmark (+ 23.8%) and Estonia (+22.3%).

On average for the EU, producer prices have risen for the year by 13.5% in the EU and by 13.4% in the euro area.

Undoubtedly, energy costs are the leading reason – for a year it has risen in price in business by 31.2% in the EU. Inflation in components and materials for production follows with 14.7%.

Инфлацията в индустрията на ЕС от 2015 г. насам (плътната синя линия)

Inflation in EU industry since 2015 (solid blue line)

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