Canada releases new guidelines for post-graduation work permit

canada, International student permits

The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has announced new guidelines regarding the eligibility for the Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP).

According to CIC News, from November 1st, international graduates will face additional requirements related to their fields of study to qualify for the PGWP.

The changes made to the work permit rules, seek to match the work permit process with national labour market needs; ensuring that they fit the market in Canada.

The IRCC, according to reports, is trying to make the immigration process better so that it effectively supports the needs of employers and the economy.

Eligible Fields of Study 

Details inform that the PGWP eligibility now focuses on specific fields of study that correspond to the Express Entry categories introduced in 2023. These fields include:

  • Agriculture and Agri-Food
  • Healthcare
  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Trade
  • Transport

Each field of study is classified using the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), which categorizes educational programs in Canada. This system is similar to the National Occupation Classification (NOC) used for jobs.

These are some examples of eligible programs within these fields are: 
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food: Agricultural business management (CIP 01.0101), animal health (CIP 01.0903)
  • Healthcare: Exercise physiology (CIP 26.0908), physical therapy assistant (CIP 51.0806)
  • STEM: Computer programming (CIP 11.0201), chemical engineering (CIP 14.0701)
  • Trade: Electrician (CIP 46.0302), plumbing technology (CIP 46.0503)
  • Transport: Air traffic controller (CIP 49.0105), truck driver (CIP 49.0205)

The IRCC encourages newcomers to consult its website for a comprehensive list of PGWP-eligible programs.

What To Know 

As disclosed in the report, international graduates looking to confirm their program’s eligibility can find their corresponding CIP code by following these steps:

  • Visit the Statistics Canada webpage for the 2021 CIP.
  • Use the search bar to enter keywords related to their program or navigate through available field links.
  • Access sub-categories relevant to their field.
  • Choose the appropriate sub-category to view detailed program information, including examples and exclusions.

This process helps ensure that graduates can accurately determine their eligibility for the PGWP based on their educational background.

New Language Requirements: 

In addition to the field of study requirements, the IRCC has also introduced language criteria for PGWP applicants. These requirements differ based on the level of study:

University Degrees (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral): Must achieve Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 in English or NCLC 7 in French across all four language areas.

International students can gain the NCLC certificate by taking an approved language assessment test that evaluates their French language skills. These tests typically measure proficiency in speaking, listening, reading, and writing.

Once they complete the test, they receive a score that corresponds to the NCLC levels. Students can find test centres and details about the assessments through organizations recognized by the Canadian government, such as the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks.

  • Other University Programs: Same language requirements as above, with a focus on eligible fields of study.
  • College Programs or Other Non-University Programs: Must achieve CLB 5 in English or NCLC 5 in French across all four areas, also requiring graduation from an eligible field.

Students applying for a PGWP before November 1st do not have to meet the new field of study requirements but must still satisfy the existing language criteria.

Chigozirim Enyinnia

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