Canadian PM Trudeau Tests Positive for COVID-19

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Monday he had tested positive for COVID-19 but was feeling fine and would continue to work remotely while following public health guidelines.

Trudeau went into isolation last week after one of his children tested positive but at the time a rapid test for him came back negative, he told the Canadian Press.

“This morning, I tested positive for COVID-19. I’m feeling fine — and I’ll continue to work remotely this week while following public health guidelines,” tweeted Trudeau, who will not be able to be in Parliament later on Monday when it reopens after a winter break. He intends to attend remotely.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at a news conference on the COVID-19 situation in Ottawa, Canada on Jan. 12, 2022. /AFP

Trudeau, 50, went into isolation for two weeks in March 2020 at the start of the pandemic after his wife, Sophie, tested positive for COVID-19.

Several Canadian Cabinet ministers, including Foreign Minister Melanie Joly, have also come down with COVID-19 in the last few months.

Other Western world leaders who have contracted the coronavirus in the past include former U.S. President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who both fell sick in 2020.

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