Candidate for the driving license exam, convicted after jumping into a fight with the examining police officer

Friday, 01 October 2021, time 03:45

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A 46-year-old man from Iași County was sentenced to a criminal fine of 6,000 lei for insulting and disturbing public order and if he cannot pay it, the sentence can turn into days of

In this case, things happened on the 13th of June, 2018, when the candidate Vasile Stan was taking the exam to obtain a driving license.

Of course, to the right of the student taking the exam was the police officer, who, ironically, had the same name as the candidate. so as to prove his skills learned during driving lessons at the driving school and the student set off.

Shortly after starting the route, at the first intersection, the policeman stepped brake suddenly, as the driver ignored the fact that he had to give priority to a car coming from the opposite direction.

It was time The man who drove the aspiring driver crazy, who instead of continuing his exam, with a chance to make up for his mistake, jumped into a fight with the police officer.

The policeman, rescued by a driver

He swore at him, threatened him with death and would have beaten him with his fists if the driver of the car who did not receive priority had not intervened, who he realized the aggressive intentions of the examinee.

The whole scandal lasted a few minutes, in the middle of the street.

At the time, the head of the Permits and Registrations Service stated that the examining police officer reacted calmly to the situation.

to do in such situations. When he noticed that the student did not stop to give priority, he acted properly, stopping the car. Then the policeman was threatened “, said Vasile Zacornea, head of the Iaşi Permits and Registration Service.

In front of the prosecutors, Vasile Stan did not dispute that he addressed vulgar words to the policeman, but denied that at threatened with death and stated that he did not intend to hit him for a single moment.

However, witnesses testified that the incident did not have serious consequences. , granting him mitigating circumstances and for the fact that he had no criminal record.

Therefore, the decision was to sentence him to a criminal fine of 6,000 lei, which can be converted at any time into 200 days in prison if he does not pay the money. The sentence is not final, and the case will be resumed at the Court of Appeal. two similar institutions after entering into conflict with driving instructors.

The man works abroad and returned only occasionally in Romania, just to obtain a driving license.

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