Caritas is to return over PLN 11 million to PFRON

2021-09-30 17:19

2021-09-30 17:19

Caritas ma zwrócić PFRON ponad 11 mln zł
Caritas ma zwrócić PFRON ponad 11 mln zł

photo. Łukasz Dejnarowicz / / FORUM

The Court of Appeal in Warsaw ruled with two judgments that Caritas of the Płock Diocese has return over PLN 11 million of funding from the years 2006-2007 to PFRON and interest on this amount. In the case of one of the Caritas judgments of the Płock Diocese, she filed for a cassation appeal. In the second case, the cassation appeal is considered.

On Thursday responding to PAP’s questions regarding the case, the Diocesan Curia of Płock informed that it was about sentences April and September, with the final Court The appellate did not take into account the expert opinion prepared at the request of the court of first instance, who stated that out of the entire sum awarded by PFRON , contrary to the purpose of the contracts, the local Caritas spent almost PLN 2 million.

“We would like to inform you that on April 30, 2021 and September 21, 2021, after 12 years trials, the Court of Appeal in Warsaw issued judgments ending the proceedings in both cases, caused by lawsuits of the State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON) “- the Diocesan Curia of Płock informed in a statement.

in the information, the court ordered Caritas of the Diocese of Płock in favor of PFRON the amounts of: 9 million 59 thousand NS. PLN 899.37 and PLN 2 million 298 thousand. PLN 116.85, and the awarded main amount is equal to the amount of the co-financing provided by the Fund and should be increased by interest calculated from March 2013.

“The judgments were made against the background of Caritas of the Diocese of Płock in the years 2006-2007 of projects co-financed by PFRON, the correctness of which was questioned by PFRON “- the Diocesan Curia of Płock reported. She also emphasized that the financing agreements were signed and implemented by the previous Caritas leadership of the Płock Diocese, even before the present bishop Piotr Libera took over the Płock diocese.

“We would like to note that the Court The appellate did not take into account the expert opinion prepared at the request of the court of first instance, who stated that out of the entire sum awarded by PFRON, only the amount of PLN 1 million 986 thousand 250.03 was spent by Caritas contrary to the purpose of the contracts “- the Diocesan Curia of Płock reserved in the announcement

The information also stated that Caritas of Płock Diocese asked the Supreme Court “to cassation of the unjust – according to Caritas” judgment of 30 April, the execution of which by the decision of 7 September , has been suspended pending the examination of the submitted complaint.

“With regard to the decisions of September 21, the decision on a possible cassation complaint will be made after receiving a written notice from the Court of Appeal. the justification of the judgment “- announced the Diocesan Curia of Płock.

The case is related to irregularities in the Caritas of the Diocese of Płock, about which PFRON, but also the Diocesan Curia of Płock informed in 2010. At that time, stating that the results of the audit in Caritas in Płock had been submitted to the Płock Regional Prosecutor’s Office, she admitted that they showed that some projects were poorly carried out and that there were irregularities in their settlement.

As the Płocka Caritas explained then, the internal audit showed irregularities in the settlement of funds received under the European Social Fund, but part of the money was spent as intended, and therefore they should not be refunded. In connection with the case, it was reported that it concerned four projects which, thanks to PFRON’s support, were implemented in 2006-2008 by Caritas from Płock, among others in the field of vocational and social rehabilitation of people with disabilities and their employment – it was, inter alia, o organizing incomplete training and advice or showing that they were carried out when they did not actually take place.

In the information from 2010, Caritas from Płock explained that the results of the internal The audits indicated that the project managers did not fulfill their obligations by the end of June 2008. It was emphasized that “there is a significant suspicion of breach of trust”, inter alia towards the Diocesan Curia of Płock by the people managing the local Caritas at that time – during the implementation of projects – and therefore these employees were dismissed from their functions.

PFRON informed in turn in 2010, that Caritas in Płock did not implement any of the four projects for which it received funds, which was the direct cause of the termination of the contracts, with the unanswered call for a refund of over PLN 14.6 million, so the Fund decided to referring the case to debt collection and at the same time filing a lawsuit, demanding the return of all funds. (PAP)

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Source: PAP

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