Carlos M. Melendez Inducted into the Prestigious Marquis Who’s Who Biographical Registry

    SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO, April 23, 2024 /24-7PressRelease/ — Carlos M. Melendez, co-founder of leading IT and AI services provider, Wovenware, has been inducted into Marquis Who’s Who. As in all Marquis Who’s Who biographical volumes, individuals profiled are selected on the basis of current reference value. Factors such as position, noteworthy accomplishments, visibility, and prominence in a field are all taken into account during the selection process.

Carlos Melendez is a seasoned professional with more than 25 years of experience in the technology sector. Since 2022, he has served as the vice president of operations of Wovenware, now a Maxar Intelligence Company. Wovenware is a Puerto Rico-based provider of custom software engineering and advanced AI services. Before Wovenware was acquired by Maxar in 2021, he served as the chief operating officer and co-founder of the company, a position he held from 2004 to 2022.

Leading a team of more 250 employees, including world-class software developers and project managers, data scientists, data specialists and other professionals, Carlos helps clients in regulated industries achieve their digital transformation goals.

Carlos has emerged as a recognized industry thought leader in AI, digital technologies and nearshoring. He has written numerous articles, is a regular blogger for the Forbes Technology Council and other news outlets, presented at industry conferences, and testified before Congress about the role of nearshore software engineering in helping companies achieve digital transformation.

He has helped establish a strong corporate social responsibility program at Wovenware—promoting and supporting technology education and entrepreneurship in Puerto Rico and beyond.

Prior to cofounding Wovenware, Carlos was a senior software engineer with several start-up software firms and held strategic consulting positions with global consulting firm, Accenture.

He holds a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico – Mayagüez Campus and Juris Doctor from the University of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras Campus.

Throughout his career, Carlos has been committed to revolutionizing the technology landscape in Puerto Rico by creating exciting projects and better job prospects for software developers on the island. His entrepreneurial spirit and vision were instrumental in establishing Wovenware as a formidable player in the technology industry, across the island, as well as the country.

In all he has pursued and achieved, Carlos attributes his success to the unwavering support of his wife and family, his relentless drive, his willingness to take risks, and the guidance he received from his mentors. Outside of his professional endeavors, he enjoys spending quality time with his family and is actively involved with ConPRmetidos, a nonprofit where he has served as a member of the board since 2016. As he continues to contribute to the next evolution of Wovenware as part of Maxar Intelligence, Mr. Melendez is committed to ensuring that Wovenware remains a testament to technology innovation in Puerto Rico and a Center of AI Excellence.

About Marquis Who’s Who®:
Since 1899, when A. N. Marquis printed the First Edition of Who’s Who in America®, Marquis Who’s Who® has chronicled the lives of the most accomplished individuals and innovators from every significant field of endeavor, including politics, business, medicine, law, education, art, religion and entertainment. Marquis celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2023, and Who’s Who in America® remains an essential biographical source for thousands of researchers, journalists, librarians and executive search firms around the world. Marquis® publications may be visited at the official Marquis Who’s Who® website at

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