Catholic “Preacher” teaches that Mary did not die and intercedes for Christians

In a new video shared on social networks , the “preacher” Catholic Thayna Azevedo, who identifies herself as a member of the Kairos Catholic Community, reinforces a heresy defended by the Catholic Church. In the video, she claims that Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, ascended to Heaven and intercedes for Christians.

Recently, a video was made public where the “preacher” claims that true worship is only possible in the Catholic Church , distorting a biblical passage to try to justify its false teaching. Now, in the new video that circulates on social media, Thayna tries to defend a Catholic heresy that has no biblical foundation, claiming that Mary does not died, but was taken to Heaven and that we can pray in her name because, supposedly, she intercedes for us. The teaching, however, it does not find biblical support, being frequently rejected by Protestant theologians, since the Scriptures affirm that there is “only one mediator between God and men,” showing that this mediator is Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5).

“Dogma of church , that the church speaks and professes: that Mary ascended into Heaven. Until today the mortal remains of Mary have not been found. Mary ascended to Heaven, the assumption of the virgin Mary, she ascends to Heaven, that this comes with biblical foundation (sic)”, said Thayna.

Then she remembers that the wages of sin is death, as the Scripture says (Romans 6:23), but argues that Mary could not die because she would not have sin, which is not supported by the Bible . “In other words, there was no way for Mary to die because the wages of sin is death, Mary did not commit any sin that is why Mary did not is dead. Mary is alive in Heaven, on the right hand of the Father, interceding for each one of us and she can ask her mother [Maria] to see her (sic)”, he said. Watch:
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