CEIBG with a project to develop new models for digital skills

The pandemic 2020 brought new challenges for businesses, and employers had to react quickly to adapt the work environment to the new realities. It turned out that one of the most important conditions for moving to work in a pandemic is digitalization. At the same time, however, COVID-19 revealed imbalances in the field of digital knowledge and skills of employees.

This is what provoked the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIBG) to launch the project “Development of new models for digital skills in response to the challenges of the future labor market ”, which aims to explore the levels of digital competences and to develop digital profiles of professions to be tested in a real work environment. Its funding is under the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2014 – 2020, under the procedure “Development of Digital Skills” Component 2.

“As employers we can say that digitalization affects every industry , changes the positioning of market leaders and creates new business opportunities. In order to overcome the competition, manufacturers need to rethink every aspect of their business in order to become digital enterprises and take advantage of new technologies in every phase of their work, “said Galya Petrova, project coordinator, at a press conference on the launch

“The project is based on a comprehensive workforce support concept aimed at overcoming the imbalances in digital knowledge and skills, meeting the needs of the labor market in the context of competitive and developing economy from the point of view of its technological development “, explained Lyuboslava Nedyalkova, project expert.

The project activities will be carried out within 20 months. CEIBG partners in the implementation of the project are the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy.

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