Champions League Player of the Week contenders announced

UEFA Champions League Player of the Week contenders named

Based on the results of all completed matches of the 2nd round of the group stage of the Champions League season-2021/2022, four contenders for the title of the best player of the week have been identified, which are the following players:

25- summer midfielder Bayern Leroy Zane , who scored a goal and made an assist in the match against Dynamo Kiev (5: 0);

22-year-old Benfica striker Darwin Nunez , who made a double in the game with Barcelona (3: 0);

28-year-old Sheriff goalkeeper Georgios Athanasiadis , having saved 11 shots in the match with Real Madrid (2: 1);

26-year-old Inter defender Milan Shkrinjar , who won 3 single combats in the game against Shakhtar (0: 0), made 3 interceptions, the percentage of accurate passes was 89.

You can vote on the official UEFA website following the link .

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