Changes valid today: The night curfew has ended and the school traffic light is coming back

From Monday, December 17, 2021, the night curfew ordered will not apply. Teaching is resumed in schools and the conditions for organizing cultural events should also be relaxed

Non-essential shops, services and restaurants in the OP regime

However, all existing measures concerning shops, service operations, hotel facilities, ski resorts or long-distance travel remain in force. The state of emergency and the assembly ban of more than six persons in addition to members of the common household are also still in force.

Photo : TASR – Pavol Zachar

The Ministry of Health (MZ) SR recalls that entry into shops, services or restaurants continues to be governed by the decrees of the Public Health Office (ÚVZ) of the Slovak Republic. “Essential stores will operate in base mode. Non-essential shops, services and restaurants will be open in the OP regime (vaccinated, after overcoming the COVID-19 disease), ”, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Health informed Zuzana Eliášová

Hotels (including the obligation of a negative test), ski resorts or religious services will operate in the OP regime on the basis of the currently valid regulations of the ÚVZ SR. The OTP regime will still apply on express trains, IC trains and long-distance bus routes

Schools and culture are opening

Monday “The veil will be compulsory from the first year of primary school and parents are strongly encouraged to test their children before they start school and to repeat these tests twice a week, ” Eliášová added. The school regime will be governed by a school traffic light

As in the previous period, schools will not be closed. In the event of a student’s positivity, the relevant class may be closed by the principal. However, the decision to close the whole school in the event of an unfavorable situation can only be made by a regional hygienist. For example, if a large number of classes are quarantined or a high number of infected people are present at the school.

Photo: TASR – František Iván

From Monday, cultural events in the OP regime should be open for a maximum of 50 visitors. This was announced by the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic Natália Milanová (OĽANO) on Friday (January 7), stating that the rules will be specified by a decree of the Public Health Office (ÚVZ) of the Slovak Republic

Hygienists on Sunday (January 9) announced that they will amend the relevant decree after the official conclusions of the meeting of the Government of the Slovak Republic on this issue will be known on Monday. In the morning, the cabinet is to discuss the resolution online, which will be submitted by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic

See also :

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