Chiang Mai Provincial Electricity Authority Set up a black smoke measurement point to solve the problem of small particulate matter PM2.5

Date 24-26 Jan. 65 Chiang Mai Transport unite against disaster caused by small dust PM2.5, organizing a set of inspectors to set up a vehicle inspection point according to the law on land transportation and the law on cars and measure the black smoke in the Chiang Mai area to solve the problem of small dust PM2. – On 25 Jan. 65, set up a car inspection point in front of the Cultural Center, Hai Ya Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province

– 26 Jan. 65 Set up a vehicle inspection point at Ring Road 3, San Phak Wan Subdistrict, Hang Dong District, Chiang Mai Province

The results are as follows
1 . Inspect 105 vehicles under the Transport Act, 22 were found guilty, ordered 12 inspectors, 10 fined
of 51 cars, found 4 offences, ordered 3 inspectors, 1 fine
3. Measure the black smoke value of 105 cars. The black day exceeds the standard set for 7 cars (The Transport Act 7 cars)

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