Chiara Boni at Pitti 2022. Between jersey and sequins

12 January 2022 – 19:13

The first fashion show of 2022 is by Chiara Boni who on the occasion of Pitti Uomo presents at Florence its Petite Robe capsule

Chiara Boni a Pitti 2022. Tra jersey e paillettes

The first fashion show in the world dated 2022 takes place at Caffè Paskovski in Florence where Chiara Boni , Florentine doc but transplanted to Milan for years, presents a capsule of his Petite Robe , the line with countless models all declined in a single fabric, jersey. Bielastic and therefore stretch, machine washable, non-deformable and even a little containing, the jersey in the hands of the adorable designer, who just this year turns 50 years of career, takes on a perfect appearance for Paskovski’s Belle Epoque atmosphere. The parade opens with a vowel of Drusilla Foer , “Eleganzissima” by choice and vocation, soon to star on the stage of the Ariston in San Remo.

The models (15 beautiful girls including a Chinese and a Russian to say the least amazing) are controlled like all those present by a very strict covid manager summoned by the brand to move safely despite being in the most contagious phase of this damned pandemic. There are 22 delightful models for both day and evening and it doesn’t seem possible that they are all in jersey because Chiara reworks it in every possible and imaginable way. There is a refined day suit that looks like herringbone tweed thanks to a photographic superprint of the most classic of men’s fabrics on the jersey … In one case the herringbone pattern emerges from the velvet that is simply merged with the stretch fabric. Then there are the all-over flower-painted sequins and the long military coat that looks like loden even to the touch. Tuxedos are amazing to say the least: one black, very simple, with a bustier instead of a white shirt, the other in ruby ​​red velvet with a waistcoat instead of a blouse. The girls show off jeweled gloves with rhinestone claws, feather and crystal chockers, gigantic black jet earrings and stunning hairstyles worthy of the Evil Queen of Maleficent.

High fashion within the reach of all the women that is presented at Pitti (the most important men’s fashion event in the world) because Chiara Boni did not shirk her moral duty to come to the aid of the event that in 2015 supported her return to the fashion scene. In the end, fairness is rewarded in fact there were 4 buyers of Neiman Marcus and America is the most important market for the brand.

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