Chindia -0 | Important match for Iordănescu's team! Here's everything that happens

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We follow and comment together on the match between Chindia Târgoviște and FCSB on and

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Ana-Maria Popescu

Date of publication: Friday 01 October 2021, 20:48

Date of update: Friday 01 October 2021, 21:34

Chindia 0-0 FCSB


Min. 23: FCSB OPPORTUNITY! Olaru shoots from outside the box, Căbuz rejects but misses the ball, Ianis Stoica tries a shot, but the goalkeeper intervened again.

Min. 8: RED CARDBOARD! Kocic is eliminated after an entry to Valentin Cretu!

Min. 7: CHINDIA OPPORTUNITIES! Popa crosses the ball in front of the goal, but Șerban fails to arrive on time and the ball goes into the bar.

Min. 1: The match has started!

Home teams:

The vice-champion of Romania travels to Ploiești for the duel with Chindia Târgoviște, an undefeated team of five matches. The team from Târgoviște has two draws and three victories and is on the 10th place in the ranking, with 13 points obtained in the first 10 stages.

On the other hand, FCSB has a series of four consecutive victories, and Edward Iordănescu wants to enter the competitive break with another victory, despite the fact that he has numerous absences in lot after the last injuries. The red-blues are on the fourth place in the ranking with 18 points, and can climb to the second place in case of a victory, until the matches of Farului and FC Botoșani.

Although she has a good series, Chindia has never managed to win with FCSB in the six matches between the two teams. In the last direct match, the red-alabasters won 3-1.

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