Chinese President Xi Jinping calls for reunification with Taiwan

The President stated in a solemn speech in the Beijing Great Hall of the People on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the so-called Sincha Revolution of 1911.

On Saturday, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for the reunification of his country with Taiwan, a self-governing island with which Beijing has long had tense relations. The DPA is writing about it. Anniversary of the so-called Sinai Revolution of 1911.

This political coup overthrew the empire – the Qing Dynasty of Manchuria – and subsequently proclaimed the Republic of China. )

However, the name Republic of China was later officially appropriated by Taiwan, an island state with a government independent of Beijing since 1949, when Chinese nationalists fled the mainland, defeated in a civil war with Mao Zedong’s communists.

However, Beijing continues to regard democratic Taiwan with its own autonomous government as part of mainland China, the People’s Republic of China.

on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should adhere to the correct interpretation of history and work together for a complete reunification and revitalization of nation, “said Si Jinping, as quoted by Sinchu’s agency.

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