Chrissy Teigen Tells Comedian to ‘F*** Off’ on Anniversary of Son’s Death

Chrissy Teigen ‘FOff,’ Heather McDonald!!! Feud Erupts On Anniv. of Losing Jack

9/29/2021 7:17 AM PT

Chrissy Teigen is beefing with comedian Heather McDonald — who slammed her as hypocritical, before Chrissy fired back with a “foff” … and the feud happened to go down on the anniversary of her son, Jack, dying.

The model prefaced her reaction by saying she couldn’t sleep all night because she “was up, sick, sobbing, as my phone popped up the memory of being in the hospital exactly 1 year ago, losing our baby.”

She added, “So maybe I’m a little sensitive but foff.” This was a direct shot at Heather, who had earlier called Chrissy a hypocrite over a post about looking ‘perfect’ on social media.

Okay, follow along … Chrissy had posted a pic of herself glammed up, but with her eyes closed and her mouth slightly open. She captioned it, “I really think you guys are too conditioned to seeing perfect photos all day because so many of my comments on any given photo are ‘why would she post this.'”

Heather commented on that post calling out Chrissy for “humble brags” … posting allegedly unflattering photos when she knows she actually looks great.

Heather took it a step further when she reposted Chrissy’s photo with the caption, “I cannot take it … I’m just having one of those days where I had to point out the #hypocrite on IG. I can’t be the only one that can see through this BS.”

That prompted Chrissy to eventually respond … “Why people follow people they hate beyond me.”

Chrissy acknowledged she was already distraught on Tuesday, as she posted a 1-year-old picture of herself crying in the hospital, with John Legend at her side, on the day they lost Jack.

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She captioned it, “And to the son we almost had. a year ago you gave me the greatest pain I could ever imagine to show me I could survive anything, even if I didn’t want to.”

You’ll recall … Chrissy lost Jack following complications with her pregnancy — she’d been hospitalized for severe bleeding during her pregnancy and Jack was in the “danger zone” and doctors were never able to stop the bleeding and give Jack the fluids he needed.

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