Christian families starve in Sri Lanka

The crisis in the country is due to the second wave of COVID-1

O Sri Lanka is experiencing an economic crisis resulting from the lockdown to contain the second wave of COVID-19. Since August 2021, there has been a shortage of food, fertilizers and a deficit in financial reserves. Daily workers were directly affected, so many families had to ration meals, and children missed school hours. Most Christians in Sri Lanka’s rural areas have also been severely affected.

The shortage of US dollars has also affected importers of LPG (liquid petroleum gas) and powdered milk, as they are having difficulty paying suppliers. Thus, there is not enough gas distribution to meet domestic demand. With record foreign exchange reserves falling and high import prices, the cost of vegetables, fuel, bus fares and general basic care expenses has increased.

The rural churches outside of Colombo, the country’s capital, suffered greatly from this. Most pastors have supported members of the congregation, but basic needs remain. With a lack of services, pastors and ministry volunteers struggle financially to pay family expenses.

The local partners of Portas Abertas supported families with and also provided subsidy to small businesses where the majority of beneficiaries are Christian leaders in rural areas. In addition, they supported rural churches and distributed school supplies to children who do not have access to online school.

Many need help, there are more than 360 million persecuted Christians in the world. Your donation supports followers of Jesus who are persecuted for the faith, guaranteeing the basic needs of those who need help the most.

Prayer requests

  • Pray for God’s provision to reach volunteer pastors and workers affected by price increases and restrictions.
  • Intercede for Christians who are living with hunger, ask them to have strength, remain firm in the faith and be satisfied by the family of faith.
  • Call for the authorities to manage the situation in the country in the best way, and for the population to feel the love of Jesus despite the difficulties faced.

    Source: Open Doors

    Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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