Christina Aguilera And Her Daughter Got To Play The New Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Cresselina Poliwaguilera

Chanteuse, mother, and Dirrty singer Christina Aguilera has done another trailer for the Nintendo Switch OLED after her last one — which showcased a bunch of family games — and although her kids still feature prominently in this one, the games are a little more exciting.

First, Ms Aguilera plays the (not-yet-released!) Pokémon Legends: Arceus with her young daughter, who rides around on the new Wyrdeer and catches a Pokémon with one of those new/old Apricorn Balls. We could do a deep-dive analysis on the footage, but… well, it’s most likely been added in in post, although we do know that they did actually play the game.

Nintendo OLED and Christina Aguilera
Image: Nintendo

Then, she moves on to Among Us with her older teenage son, and — spoilers — it’s Christina herself who’s the impostor. Luckily, she gets caught out and kicked into the void of space.

Then her sister and family turn up, and they play their “favourite” — Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. It’s hard not to read their “how many times do you think we must have played this game?” quip as a dig at Nintendo themselves, for taking so long on the next Mario Kart instalment… but it’s probably not meant that way, eh?

As a reminder, Pokémon Legends: Arceus is due out on 28th January. That’s just a few short weeks!

Are you jealous of Christina’s young daughter? Would you want to play a round of Among Us with the woman who was the childhood crush of so many of us? Let us know in the comments.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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