Chucky on fire: The Mexican scored two great goals to give Napoli the victory [VIDEO]

“Chucky” scored a brace to give Napoli the victory.

Photo: Francesco Pecoraro / Getty Images


For: EFE

The Mexican Hirving Lozano decided with a double this Monday the 2-0 victory of Napoli in the Bologna field and shielded the third place of Luciano Spalletti’s team.

Expelled in the last match against Napoli, in the elimination of the Italian Cup against Fiorentina, “Chucky” Lozano vindicated himself with a great performance and was reunited with a goal that was missing since November 4, when he scored against Legia in the Europa League.

The Mexican had not scored in Serie A since last October, when he scored against Fiorentina.

He broke the equality at 20 minutes , when finishing off with his left foot a low pass from the Macedonian Eljif Elmas, and sealed his double with a great goal as soon as the second half began.

The Hirving Lozano’s goal against Bologna. “Chucky” knew how to wait patiently in the area until the ball reached him. He followed the whole play and then defined with his left foot. Raso and placed. 1-0 lead, goal at 20′.— July Rodríguez (@julioordz10) January 17, 2022

He took advantage of an assist from the Spaniard Fabián Ruiz,

dribbled elegantly to the goalkeeper and sent the ball to the bottom of the net.

Lozano has three goals in this Serie A, in in which Napoli is third with 46 points

, four behind the leader Inter, and two behind Milan, second.

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