Classic Fighter ‘Samurai Shodown V ACA NeoGeo’ From SNK and Hamster Is Out Now on iOS and Android

Following last week’s release of The King of Fighters 2000, another classic fighter has arrived on iOS and Android from SNK and Hamster. This week, Samurai Shodown V ($3.99) has arrived on mobile with enhancements and improvements as with other releases in this series. If you’ve not kept up with recent releases, we had Twinkle Star Sprites also hit mobile. Read Shaun’s review of the iOS version here. Samurai Shodown V debuted in 2003 featuring 24 characters including Mina Majikina and many more alongside new systems like the Sword Gauge and Concentration One. As with prior releases in Hamster’s ACA NeoGeo series, these new versions have many modern conveniences as detailed in Shaun’s reviews of other games that you can read below. Check out a screenshot from the Android version of Samurai Shodown V ACA NeoGeo below.

You can buy Samurai Shodown V ACA NeoGeo on the App Store for iOS here and Google Play for Android here. As with prior releases on mobile, this costs half of what it does on consoles at $3.99. If you’ve not heard of the series or seen it in action on mobile yet, Shaun has reviewed most of the releases so far in the ACA NeoGeo series on iOS. Check out his reviews for Samurai Shodown IV here, Alpha Mission II here, Metal Slug 5 here, Shock Troopers here, NAM-1975 here, ZED BLADE here, PUZZLED here, The King of Fighters 2002 here, Big Tournament Golf here, King of the Monsters here, Last Resort here, Aero Fighters 2 here, Burning Fight here, Robo Army here. Check out the official website here, Mutation Nation here, and Twinkle Star Sprites here. What’s your favorite recent ACA NeoGeo release and are you grabbing this one?

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