Cleo / Release of “'22 Lifestyle Calendar” for sales promotion and marketers

Cleo, a total agency that proposes store / sales floor marketing and promotion based on consumer marketing, released the “’22 Lifestyle Calendar” on October 1st.

20211001k1 - クレオ/販促・マーケティング担当者向け「’22生活行動カレンダー」発売

The “Lifestyle Calendar” is popular with sales promotion and marketers at retailers and manufacturers every year. In recent years, it has also been used by companies that operate multiple stores for toC, such as the service industry.

20211001k2 - クレオ/販促・マーケティング担当者向け「’22生活行動カレンダー」発売
20211001k3 - クレオ/販促・マーケティング担当者向け「’22生活行動カレンダー」発売

The conscious behaviors of real consumers are classified into “Hare” behaviors such as aging and events and “Ke (daily life)” behaviors such as clothing, food and housing, and are summarized by month for 12 months. In addition to the standard lifestyle behaviors, a wealth of lifestyle behaviors that capture changes in values ​​in the with / after-corona era are also posted, which is useful for discovering market opportunities.

The “Monthly Calendar” page can be used as the basic format for sales promotion plans and monthly sales plans.

As a noteworthy event page in 2022, it is undeniable that the outlook for 2022 is uncertain due to the epidemic of a mutant strain of the new coronavirus. Explains whether consumption is likely to start. In addition, there are many international events such as the “24th Olympic Winter Games (Beijing)” in February, the “World Masters Games 2021 Kansai” in May, and the “2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar Tournament” from November to December. A sports competition is planned. The law enforces a law that reduces the adult age to 18 and a law that encourages men to take childcare leave. We will introduce in detail how these events change the behavior of consumers and what kind of market opportunities are created.

■ ’22 Lifestyle Calendar
Price: 6000 yen excluding tax (book version / electronic book)

Click here for details and application

■ Cleo
Location: 2-5-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 5th floor, Marunouchi 2-chome Building
Representative: Tsukasa Yokoi, President and CEO
Business: Total agency for marketing and advertising / promotion
Established: December 1968
Capital: 82.84 million yen
TEL: 03-4213-2223 (representative)

■ Contact information

Cleo Marketing Strategy and Development Department
Living Behavior Laboratory
In charge: Ashida, Sakai, Arai, Kumagai, Fortune Hara
TEL: 03-4213-2245 (direct)
FAX: 03-4213-2277
E-mail: (For inquiries only )

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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