Clubhouse introduces “Replays” to allow users to record conversations within the app.

Clubhouse Will be updating to add many new features within the next month. Including the Replays feature that many users want. This feature allows you to record audio within the chat room as well.

Clubhouse ClipClip

Replays is a feature for recording in-room audio to profiles or clubs, but only creators or moderators can. can record sound And the chat room must also have a public room status in order to record audio.

Universal search Users can also create and share 30-second audio clips with the feature. Clip

In a room where recording is allowed to invite other users to their chat rooms The app has also added features. Universal search to help users find what they want more conveniently by using names, keywords, or similar things in searches. including the release of features Spatial audio on the Android system that will help your voice chat become more realistic Source theverge

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