CM Radio

CM Radio - Dec. 28, 2016 - What's Hot for 2017 with Neon Dreams, BANNERS & More

What’s Hot for 2017 with Neon Dreams, BANNERS & More

    Show notes



  • Fittingly, our final episode of 2016 is our What’s Hot for 2017 special. Join us as we revisit interviews from our 2016 season of Canadian Musician Radio with some artists we think you’ll be hearing a lot from in the new year, including BANNERS, Dilly Dally, Tasha the Amazon, Attica Riots, Jess Moskaluke, The Lytics, Neon Dreams & Youngblood. We’re back on Jan. 3rd with our first episode of Canadian Musician Radio for 2017, featuring an interview with Canadian broadcast icon Denise Donlon. We hear about her time at MuchMusic in the station’s heyday, her time at Sony Music Canada amidst the Napster disruption, leading CBC’s English Language Services, and more.

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