CM Radio

CM Radio - Oct. 25, 2017 - Great Lake Swimmers, The Elwins, Author Mark Kearney

Great Lake Swimmers & The Elwins, plus author Mark Kearney

    Show notes



  • Mike catches up with Great Lake Swimmers lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist Tony Dekker to see how they’re progressing on their as-yet-untitled seventh album. As has become the norm for the band, they’ve once again selected a somewhat unusual place to record: a decommissioned church in London, ON. Tony talks about how the space has influenced the album and the unique approach he describes as “reverse engineering.” He also discusses the life-changing experience he had onboard a ship sailing through the Canadian arctic as part of the Canada C3 Expedition. The Elwins just released their third LP, Beauty Community, and as vocalist/guitarist Matthew Sweeney shares, the record is the band’s most collective to date. He discusses the decision to re-tap producer Derek Hoffman this time around, pushing into the U.S. market, and more. Finally, author Mark Kearney joins us to talk about his latest book with co-author Randy Ray, called As the Years Go By… Conversations with Canada’s Folk, Pop & Rock Pioneers. He tells us about the process of revising dozens of interviews with Canadian artists from past decades to compile the unique collection.

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