CM Radio

CM Radio - Feb. 1, 2017 - Hedley, Toque & More

    Show notes



  • In what’s become something of an annual tradition, we catch up with Tommy Mac of Hedley to chat about what 2017 has in store for the band, as well as his studio production work and a lot more. The band’s latest album is 2015’s Hello, which means there’s probably plenty in the works to whet people’s appetite for album number seven… Plus, Canadian ex-pat Cory Churko has played violin and guitar alongside the likes of Kelly Clarkson, Shania Twain, and Elton John, but now, he’s joined forces with two other influential Canadian musicians to pay homage to classic Canadian songs as Toque. Churko tells us about his union with drummer Brent Fitz (Slash, Alice Cooper) and Todd Kerns (Slash, Age of Electric), how they choose their sets, and some of the high-profile gigs they’ve already played. Sounds pretty cool, eh?

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