CMR awarded by the International Social Security Association

The Moroccan Pension Fund (CMR) was awarded by the International Association of Social Security “ISSA”, during the ISSA Virtual Social Security Forum for Africa held from October 5 to 7.

This distinction particularly concerns the renewal of the certificate of excellence for the successful implementation of the ISSA guidelines in matters of the quality of the Services, indicates the CMR in a press release.

The CMR also obtained a certificate of merit for its good practice relating to the use of the “theater -forum ”as a channel of communication and direct interaction with users in order to develop the culture of social security, adds the same source. The platform dedicated to the dematerialized management of retirement files deployed by CMR in 2019 was also recognized as good practice. The press release indicates that this platform constitutes the interface for exchange with employer partners, allowing them to digitize and transfer pension files to the CMR as well as monitoring, in real time, the status of their pension. processing. These certificates bear witness to the ongoing dynamic in which the CMR is taking part to consolidate its desire to align with national and international good practices in order to improve the quality of its services, simplify its procedures and develop interactive communication with its users. .

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