CN launches 2022 mental health survey

Construction News has launched a survey to investigate the mental health of the industry’s workforce.

As part of CN’s award-winning mental health campaign, Mind Matters, an anonymous survey has been opened to get a picture of the mental health of UK construction workers and find out what has changed in recent years.

Statistics continue to demonstrate shocking mental health issues in the construction industry. An analysis of recently published data from the Office for National Statistics by Glasgow Caledonian University professor Billy Hare found that those in the industry are 3.4 times more likely to take their own life than workers in other sectors.

In recent months, CN has published accounts of those who have experienced difficulties and shown how they have recovered, as well as interviewing key figures about what could be done to address the sector’s poor record.

Previous editions of the survey have highlighted long working hours as the biggest contributor to poor mental health, and that two-thirds of operatives who have taken time off for mental ill-health have hidden their reasons from their employer.

The pandemic has had a profound impact on society as a whole, and CN is investigating the changes that have occurred during that time, as well as whether the overall mental health picture in construction has improved.

To do this, we need to hear from you.

Help us to understand the issues by clicking the link above or completing the survey below.

If you or someone you know is struggling and needs help:

  • Samaritans’ helpline 166 123
  • Papyrus hopeline UK (for people up to 35 years of age) 0800 068 4141
  • Lighthouse Club 0345 605 1956 or text HARDHAT to 85258

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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