Coimbra Chamber orders the closing of the street that reopened for the elections!

After having reopened the artery on the eve of the elections, the Chamber of Coimbra announced today that Rua Doutor Manuel Rodrigues will once again be closed to the public. automobile traffic as of tomorrow, “for the execution of finishing work on the carriageway”.

The contract for requalification of João Machado, Manuel Rodrigues and Rosa Falcão streets began on March 23 and should have been completed in September. The work. which has been contestedto by merchants and passersby, forced restrictions on traffic and on public transport lines, including the interruption of trolleybus routes.

In March, the streets Dr. Manuel Rodrigues and Rosa Falcão were banned from road traffic, which began to take place through Simões de Castro and João de Ruão streets. Although automobile circulation has, however, returned, at the end of September, with restrictions on Rua Doutor Manuel Rodrigues, this road will be banned again as of tomorrow, for the execution of works to finish the carriageway. ban ends on October 15th. Thus, during these days, the alternative is once again the detour through Simões de Castro and João de Ruão streets.

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