Concanaco alerts about a possible shortage of merchandise for the Good End

Mexico City.- A few weeks after celebrating the Good End in Mexico, the Conference of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Concanaco Servytur), warned of a possible shortage of merchandise , this due to the delay in deliveries of products that come mainly from Asia.

This was highlighted by the new president of Concanaco, Héctor Tejada in a virtual conference where he reported that they are already taking the necessary actions with customs authorities to accelerate the arrival of products.

“There will be some businesses that due to port issues will have their goods in the delivery process, that is why we are insisting with the authorities so that this is expedited and we can have sufficient inventories to take advantage of the Good End “, mentioned Héctor Tejeda.

During this session the president of Concanacó announced that the digital platform, in the that the registration of the participating companies will be made.

He stressed that through technological tools, the recipient companies will be offered the opportunity to be in a virtual showcase, which they will be able to access All those who wish to purchase any of the products offered in a physical store or online.

The application detailed, will have a geolocation model that will allow users to locate nearby businesses with the product they want to buy.

“Companies will also find on the portal the health security protocol, established by the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), which will monitor the application of the measures in the participating establishments during this edition of El Buen Fin ”, noted.

Read more: Is it necessary to declare to the SAT all payments and deposits in my bank account?

Héctor Tejeda explained that the platform ma will offer a very friendly interaction in virtual experience that will allow users to be closer to the stores and products that will be offered on the Good End.

They arrest a passenger who jumped onto the wing of an airplane (VIDEO)

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