Congratulations: Pranali Rathod is INSTAGRAM Queen of the Week!

MUMBAI: As we wrap yet another week, TellyChakkar is back to crown a beauty who has managed to impress fans with her acting chops. 

She is popularly known for her stint as Saudamini in Barrister Babu but is now beginning a new journey with the Yeh Rishta family. 

It won’t be incorrect to call Pranali a hardworking actress as the diva is seen trying to give her best to any role possible. 

The beauty made her television debut in 2018 with Zing’s show Pyaar Pehli Baar. Post that, she was in Jaat Na Poocho Prem Ki.

The stunning actress managed to make a mark for herself with her stint as Saudamini “mini” Bhaumik in Colors’ daily Barrister Babu in 2020. 

Very often, Pranali Rathod and Bondita aka Aura Bhatnagar were seen bonding on the sets of Barrister.

Currently, Pranali is seen acing her role as Akshara in Star Plus daily Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai.

The show saw a major leap where Harshad Chopra is seen playing Dr. Abhimanyu and Karishma Sawant joined the show post leap. 

Pranali enjoys a great following and is also adored for her nature. The diva is trying her best to manage her personal and professional life. The fans simply love her on-screen chemistry with Abhimanyu aka Harshad. 

The actress loves staying in touch with her fans. Her posts have nearly 65K likes and 120 comments. We crown her Insta Queen of the Week. 

Here is a glimpse of Pranali’s Instagram handle.












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