Controller support coming to Final Fantasy 7 The First Soldier

Final Fantasy First Soldier guide

Image by Square Enix

Are you interested in Final Fantasy 7 The First Soldier, but find touch controls too imprecise or uncomfortable? The developers have you covered with the announcement of controller support. The game’s official Twitter account made the confirmation today through a post, which appears targeted at the console crowd. The post discusses pairing controller gameplay with the phone connected to a monitor so that, “it feels like you’re playing on a console!”

This is good news for anyone that has been following the game since its announcement. During a previous Q&A, the developers stated controller support wouldn’t appear in the closed beta. However, they did say they were looking into implementing it for the official release.

Final Fantasy 7 The First Soldier is developed by Ateam Inc. and published by Square Enix. It’s set to release this November on iOS and Android. As the title suggests, it takes place within the Final Fantasy 7 universe. It’s set 30 years before the events of the acclaimed classic. Final Fantasy 7 The First Soldier is a battle royale game with PVE elements. Players take control of different classes including the sorcerer, monk, ranger, and ninja. While each class features different abilities and strengths, everyone is capable of wielding weaponry.

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