Cops detain 3 over dog torture video

Updated 19 hours ago · Published on 10 Jul 2023 2:07PM ·

A cargo agent, a fisherman and a bus driver believed to have a tortured a dog to death in Penang are in remand to facilitate investigations. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, July 10, 2023.

POLICE apprehended three men who are believed to have tortured a dog to death at Kampung Teluk Tempoyak, Batu Maung, after a video of the incident went viral yesterday.

Penang police chief Khaw Kok Chin said the men, aged between 40 and 53, were picked up at about 11.45pm last night and 1am today, at different locations in Batu Maung.

“They are a cargo agent, fisherman and bus driver. They have been remanded for three days until July 12 to assist with the case under section 29(1) of the Animal Welfare Act 2015.

“The men have no previous criminal records and they tested negative for drugs,” he said in a statement.

Khaw said yesterday police were alerted to a video and article related to the incident, which is believed to have taken place at 8.38pm on Friday.

“The incident was witnessed by the complainant who recorded it and sent it to a friend before it went viral on Twitter.

“We will take stern action against those who abuse or beat animals,” he said while calling on the public to stop circulating the video. – Bernama, July 10, 2023.

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