Córdoba: they were looking for him everywhere and found him killed in an assault

Gabriel Costamagna had a request for his whereabouts, after having left his home in Seeber, east of the province. He fell dead when allegedly committing a robbery in a field.

Nicolás Albera, Correspondent

Monday, January 10, 2022 hs

Gabriel Fernando Costamagna (52) was 1.80 tall, of robust build, had white complexion, short light brown hair and his eyes were light. He had no tattoos and the last time they saw him, he was wearing gaucho pants, a short-sleeved shirt, and sports shoes.

The information about him was provided by the San Justo Departmental Police in the afternoon last Friday.

The population had been asked for help to find him, since he had left his home in the rural area of ​​Seeber, a small town in eastern Cordoba.

Hours later, on the same Friday, it was learned that Costamagna had been found dead.

According to the Police, he had apparently participated in an assault in a field in the Santa Fe town of Felicia. According to investigators, he was with another man who fled and is at large.

Robbery and death

As reported by the XI Regional Unit of the Santa Fe Police, based in the Las Colonias department, the Cordovan Costamagna and another individual would have arrived that Friday at a Field that is rented by a 60-year-old man and his 32-year-old son.

According to the official version, both were working at the site. Already around 7:00 p.m., they saw a white Eco Sport van arrive with two men who pretended to be looking for directions to a nearby field.

Under these circumstances, the armed criminals began to attack rural workers. The oldest of the victims was beaten in the never.

The situation became more violent when one of the victims took a firearm and fired a shot at Costamagna, who suffered a fatal wound in the chest.

After that, his accomplice fled aboard the truck. Despite the operation later deployed, it was not possible to find him.

The truck, while located in the town of Seeber, was abandoned about seven kilometers from the scene of the event.

As reported by the Police, the vehicle had the license plate changed and the owner would be the thief killed.

Vehicle. The wheel used by thieves. (Rafaela Noticias)

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