“Corona”…Deaths touch 5 million globally

America tops the score… and international reliance on vaccination and new treatments

The number of deaths due to “Covid-19” infection touches five million around the world, with the “delta” strain causing an increase in deaths, especially among the unvaccinated. While the numbers vary between statistical agencies, most of them are unanimously agreed that the “Corona” mutant, especially the highly contagious “Delta” strain, contributed to the acceleration of deaths during the past months. According to a Reuters analysis, it took nearly a year for the number of “Covid-19” deaths to reach 2.5 million, while the next 2.5 million deaths were recorded within 236 days. More than half of the global deaths were recorded in the United States, Russia, Brazil, Mexico and India. An average of eight thousand deaths were recorded daily worldwide during the past week, which represents five deaths every minute, according to “Reuters”. The United States leads the global death toll, as the number of “Covid-19” American victims exceeded the 700,000 mark, Friday, according to a census carried out by Johns Hopkins University, a number roughly equivalent to the population of Washington, DC. With the approach of winter, the world is betting on expanding vaccination campaigns, and licensing new treatments, to control the epidemic. Vaccination campaigns are still witnessing a wide disparity between the rich and low-income countries of the world. While countries have launched booster-dose programs to their populations, only 2 percent of the population of half of African countries have fully received the vaccine, according to the World Health Organization. In addition to vaccines, a new drug developed by the American company “Merck” has raised hopes of controlling the epidemic. Experts said that the new experimental drug, which comes in the form of tablets, represents a breakthrough in the treatment of the Corona virus, “due to its ability to halve the chances of death or the need to transfer to hospital for people most vulnerable to severe symptoms. … More

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