Corona in the wastewater rose to the top level

Corona i avloppsvattenCorona i avloppsvatten

  • Article from
  • Subject: Health & Medicine , Environment & Climate
  • The levels of coronavirus in wastewater in Gothenburg have shaved in height of one week, and corresponds to the peak during the third wave of the pandemic, spring 2021. – I did not expect this, that it would suddenly increase so fast, say is Heléne Norder, adjunct professor of microbiology at the University of Gothenburg. The samples of wastewater that form the basis of the current study were taken during the week 20-26 December 2021. The majority of people who then secreted sars-cov- 2 viruses have apparently been infected at the beginning of that week or the week before. Corona in wastewater warning to care

    The sharp rise as now can be stated is the largest in a single week since the turn of the year, when the second wave of the pandemic was going on. The level as such corresponds to the peak rating for sars-cov-2 in the wastewater in Gothenburg during the third wave of the pandemic (week 12, 2021.).

Increased virus prevalence in wastewater, and thus increased disease incidence in society, has during the course of the pandemic and to varying degrees been able to predict stress peaks in care. Heléne Norder regularly reports her results to care providers and infection control in the Västra Götaland region. – It is difficult to know what this means, and what will happen. I really hope that those who are now secreting viruses are vaccinated. Then not many people end up in IVA, or even in hospital, but can probably manage on their own at home, says Heléne Norder.

The division between the virus types delta and omicron is not yet analyzed and clear. The most recent analysis, a week ago, showed a distribution of half of each. More virus from winter vomiting The investigations of sars-cov-2 in The wastewater has been running since February 2020, and is made in collaboration with municipally owned Gryaab, which handles wastewater in Gothenburg with surrounding municipalities. The company sends one sample per week with collected daily samples to the researchers. In addition to sars-cov-2, levels of influenza virus, norovirus that causes winter vomiting and RS viruses that cause respiratory infections and can make young children seriously ill are examined. In this week’s analysis, the levels of norovirus increase slightly, while influenza A decreases and the RS virus is at very low levels.

Scientific article: Surveillance of wastewater revealed peaks of SARS-CoV -2 preceding those of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 . Water Research. Contact:

Heléne Norder, professor of microbiology at the Department of Infectious Diseases at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, and microbiologist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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