Corona vaccination recommendation for 3rd vaccination dose expected on Monday

From APA / . Update on October 1st, 2021 (12:43)

Ankündigung von EU-Gesundheitskommissarin Kyriakides in Wien

Announcement by EU Health Commissioner Kyriakides in Vienna


Austria had already started offering a third prick to senior citizens and health workers who were vaccinated early – but without approval, In other words, in a so-called off-label application.

In the future, people in Austria will be informed by letter about the third stitch and asked to refresh, Mückstein announced the media event. The booster vaccination is carried out on the recommendation of the National Vaccination Committee (NIG) from mid-August in this country only with the mRNA vaccines from BioNTech / Pfizer and Moderna. All persons vaccinated first or second with another vaccine should also receive these funds on a corresponding EMA recommendation. But he does not expect this for this October, explained Mückstein when asked.

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