Coronavirus: Brussels still in dark red on the ECDC map, many European regions turn green

Several regions in northern Italy, Sardinia, northern Spain and Normandy now appear in green. The ECDC publishes a European map every Thursday based on the number of infections and the percentage of positive tests in the last 14 days. It offers four colors: green, orange, red and dark red.

A region adopts the color red in two cases: when the incidence, which indicates the number of new cases per 100,000 inhabitants over 14 days, varies between 75 and 200, with a positivity rate greater than 4% or when the incidence is between 200 and 500, regardless of the positivity rate. The orange color is applied when the incidence is less than 50 with a positivity rate greater than 4%, when the incidence is between 50 and 75 and the positivity rate is above 1% or when the incidence is between 75 and 200 but the positivity rate is below 4%.

Compared to last week, more European regions are tinged with green. In northern Italy, the province of Trento joins Piedmont and Lombardy, already in green on the European map. The Abruzzo region is also becoming green, as is Sardinia. Calabria is the only region still in red in the peninsula.

In France , the Ile-de-France (Paris) region is at again in orange and Normandy is now in green. Only the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region is still classified as red in France.

In Spain , after Asturias the week last, it is now the turn of Castile and León, Galicia and Navarre to be adorned with green.

L ‘ Germany is for its part still largely classified red.

In Belgium , no change, Flanders remains in orange while Wallonia is in red and Brussels in dark red.

Color codes allow Member States of the European Union to impose conditions on travelers, such as mandatory quarantines or presentation of negative tests.

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