Coronavirus in India live updates: India reports 24,354 new cases, 234 deaths in the last 24 hours

India’s Covid death tally

India reports 24,354 new cases in the last 24 hours; Active caseload at 2,73,889; lowest in 197 days: Ministry of health and family welfare

Global Covid-19 deaths hit 5 million as Delta variant sweeps the world

Worldwide deaths related to COVID-19 surpassed 5 million on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, as the Delta variant causes a surge in fatalities, mainly among the unvaccinated.

India going to play most important roles in bringing this pandemic to end: USAID administrator

India is going to play one of the most important roles on planet earth in bringing this (COVID-19) pandemic to an end, a top Biden administration official has said, underlining that the country has made investments over a long period of time in expanding its vaccine manufacturing capacity. India will resume the export of surplus COVID-19 vaccines in October under the ‘Vaccine Maitri’ programme and to meet its commitment to the COVAX global pool.

Singapore reports 2,909 new Covid-19 cases

Singapore has reported 2,909 new Covid-19 cases, including 818 in dormitories for foreign workers and 12 who arrived from abroad, while it recorded eight new deaths from the disease. Eight dormitories housing migrant workers are among the 10 clusters being “closely monitored” as areas of Covid-19 spread, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Friday.

US Covid toll hits 7,00,000

The US surpassed 700,000 coronavirus-related deaths on Friday, according to a Reuters tally, as officials roll out booster doses of vaccines to protect the elderly and people working in high-risk professions. The country has reported an average of over 2,000 deaths per day over the past week, which represents about 60% of the peak in fatalities in January.

While the drop in Tamil Nadu was marginal — 1,597, from 1,612 on Thursday — this was the first time in 17 days that the state has recorded less than 1,600 daily cases. Maharashtra’s tally of 3,105 fresh cases remained about the same as the number reported on Thursday (3,063). India also recorded 232 deaths.

Besides Kerala, the count of new cases fell in Mizoram (1,170, from 1,741 on Thursday), Karnataka (589, from 933) Andhra Pradesh (809, from 933) and Odisha (477, from 602).

Kerala on Friday reported 13,834 new Covid cases, a sharp drop from the previous day when the count had spiked to 15,914.

The day’s test positivity rate too declined to 13.12%, CM Pinarayi Vijayan said.

While infections continue to decline overall in the country, there are significant day-to-day variations mainly following the pattern in Kerala, which has been accounting for a bulk of fresh cases.

A day after recording more than 27,000 fresh cases of Covid-19, India’s daily tally dipped to under 24,000 on Friday as Kerala and several other states reported a fall. India logged 23,910 fresh cases on Thursday.

Cinema halls can reopen with 50 per cent capacity but only fully audience will be allowed. Theatres can also be performed in permanent auditoriums with 50 per cent capacity, provided both artistes and viewers are fully vaccinated, the Assam health minister said.

State health ministers on Assam relaxations

Health Minister Keshab Mahanta said the relaxations, which will come into immediate effect and remain imposed till further orders, have been allowed as lesser number of fresh cases are being reported. “The night curfew will be from 10 PM to 5 AM, instead of the earlier starting time of 9 PM. Business establishments can remain open till 9 PM,” he said.

Assam relaxes Covid-19 restrictions, allows cinema halls to reopen.

We are continuing to engage with Govt of India on technical cooperation to expand UK recognition of vaccine certification to people vaccinated by a relevant public health body in India

Spokesperson of British High Commission in India

UK’s Covid-19 update

UK has reported 35,577 Covid-19 cases and 127 deaths.

The pandemic had gained ground since mid-June fanned by the highly contagious Delta variant which has become predominant in most countries. But for more than a month now it has been in decline.

The number of new daily cases decreased by 11 percent globally to 457,000 according to an AFP tally to Thursday.

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