Correos de Cuba: “millions of pesos in income and overcompliance in sales”

The Correos de Cuba Business Group (GECC) has reported through its institutional profile on Facebook about the “annual balances” of the provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo.

The overcompliance in sales and profits and the millions of pesos entered by a business group that accumulates claims are striking in both reports.

In the case of Santiago de Cuba, its director Rafael Leopoldo Ramos Martínez, reported that the Company of Correos “achieved an overfulfillment of the net sales plan of 105.4% with more than 55 million pesos in revenue and closed the last year with profits. quarter of the year 2021.

The achievements, he maintained, “even in the midst of the complex conditions generated by the pandemic and the effects of the intensified blockade.”

In reference to the main problems encountered, they mentioned “the quality of the services and, in particular, the late delivery of parcel shipments ”.

In addition, they referred to the facts of “ plundering and change of content of several shipments in the Postal Classification Center of that province”.

According to the publication, these events prompted “a detailed analysis of the causes and conditions that caused it and the measures implemented to prevent it from happening again.”

For its part, the Guantánamo Post Office also “ over-fulfilled the plan of net sales at 121.0%, with more than 29 million pesos in income, and the profit plan at 118%”.

The notes seem traced both in the positive and negative aspects.

Juan Ruperto Pérez, director of the Post Office in Guantánamo, pointed out that problems persist “in the quality of services, the causes and conditions of the late delivery of packages and the decrease in home services compared to the previous year”.

Likewise, he made reference to “the situation of the misdirected shipments and the violations of the procedures during the processing of shipments”, without going into more detail.

“Months waiting for the packages to arrive at their destination. Nothing to celebrate”, commented a client.

Both senders and recipients of international parcels sent to Cuba continue to wait for Correos to finish solving the problem of the “quality of its services” , much older than the health crisis.

Some wonder what those millions that come in are invested in.

From the business group they assure their users that “the delay in the processing and transportation of shipments from the country of origin to Cuba does not it depends on Correos de Cuba, as long as the code numbers do not appear in the web tracker we cannot do anything”.

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