Costlier cakes and cookies due to price increases in baking ingredients

PETALING JAYA: The price of cakes and biscuits has increased between 10% and 20% following the increase in the cost of baking ingredients since the middle of last year.

A survey by Sinar Harian at several pastry shops in Kuantan found an increase in prices from RM2 to RM5 for various types of cakes and biscuits.

Many traders said the increase in price was not due to problems with egg supply or pricing, but involved basic baking materials instead.

Anita Bakeri and Cafe owner Nor Anita Ahmad, 46, said the cost increase of up to 25% for ingredients like essence, flour and butter since May was one reason for the rise in cake and biscuit prices.

According to her, the new pricing of cakes and biscuits already came into effect at the end of December.

“(Bakers) have long been affected by the increase in the cost of basic baking ingredients,” she said.

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