Councilor Fogaça highlights Emdur's work on the soccer field in the JK neighborhood

Alderman Everaldo Fogaça (Republicans)

Porto Velho, RO – Less than a week after receiving the request for action from councilor Everaldo Fogaça (Republicans) Emdur started today the recovery of public lighting points in the square of the Centro de Artes e Esporte Unificado – CEU, from the JK II neighborhood.

The councilor was today following the beginning of the works and thanked the president of Emdur, Gustavo Beltrame and the City Hall for the quick service of the request made on behalf of the community.

“Emdur has done a great job in the public lighting sector through serious planning for the solution of demands. The City Hall has given full support for this project to succeed and that is what has been happening. Not just me, but the community we just have to thank”, said the councilor.

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