Couple: How Common Purposes Can Help Your Relationship, Expert Says

Las relaciones de parejas exitosas se construyen con objetivos en comunes(Pexels)

Successful couple relationships are built with common goals | Pexels

The new year has already advanced, we are all motivated by new beginnings, as Moving Forward and Improving Button , better person, but why not focus on purposes of couple .

Couples with better marriages or long-term relationships report a higher wellness , and one study found that having a better romantic relationship not only promotes wellness and better health now, but those benefits extend into the future. So then, it’s time to seriously think about making a couple’s resolutions.

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Prepare for success

Adjust your thinking so that you see your relationship as a key source of positive experiences. Psychologists call this boosting your social motivation approach. Rather than simply trying to avoid relationship problems, those with a rapprochement motivation look for the positives and use them to help the relationship.

Los propósitos en pareja puede hacer relaciones sólidas
The purposes as a couple can make solid relationships

Good vibes from one partner are passed on to the other and ultimately benefit both. After a year in which your relationship may have felt unprecedented external stresses, laying the groundwork to tap into the positives is a good place to start.

Be optimistic

While things in the past may not always have turned out the way you wanted, it is important to be optimistic about the future. But proper optimism is relevant. A 2020 research study by Krystan Farnish and Lisa Neff found that, overall, looking on the bright side of life allowed participants to deal with conflict in relationships more effectively.

Seeks psychological flexibility

Try to go with the flow. In other words, make an effort to accept your feelings without getting defensive. It’s okay to adjust your behaviors; you don’t always have to do things the way you always have or go to the places you’ve always been. Stop being stubborn and experiment with being flexible.

A 2020 study by Karen Twiselton found that when you are more flexible psychologically, the quality of the relationship is greater, in part because you experience more positive and less negative emotions.

“I” before “us”

It is easy for some people to play self-sacrificing martyr in their romantic relationship. If this sounds familiar, try to focus more on yourself. It doesn’t make you a bad person or a bad partner. When you are psychologically healthy, your partner and your relationship also benefit.

Researchers have identified four main traits that are part of good mental health: openness to feelings, warmth, positive emotions and frankness. These traits help make it clearer who you are.

Do something for your partner

But it’s not just about you. Putting your partner first some of the time and fulfilling your partner’s desires is part of being a couple. A 2020 study found that prioritizing your partner makes you feel closer to them, increases positive feelings, reduces negative ones, and increases perceived relationship quality.

Don’t be so hard on yourself

So many New Years resolutions focus on body image. Aspirations to eat better and exercise often stem from the same goal: a warmer body. However, Xue Lei’s research shows that she may not really know what she wants her partner to look like.

Keep reading: How to know if you are in a relationship with an emotionally immature person

Los propósitos pueden construir relaciones duraderas
Los propósitos pueden construir relaciones duraderas

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