COVID-19 Hospitalizations Drop Under 800 in Los Angeles County

LOS ANGELES—COVID-19 hospitalizations fell below 800 in Los Angeles County, according to the latest data, declining by 35 people to 790 and continuing a month-long downward trend.

According to state figures, the number of COVID-positive patients in intensive care in the county also declined, from 231 on Saturday to 228.

The number of COVID-positive people hospitalized in the county has fallen 30 times in the past 34 days, bringing the number down from a summer peak of nearly 1,800. Infection rates among residents and staff at skilled nursing facilities have also dipped, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health reported Friday.

The department also reported 1,032 new cases of COVID-19 and 10 additional deaths Sunday, although those numbers likely reflect reporting delays over the weekend.

Health officials say about 90 percent of the people who have died with COVID-19 had underlying health conditions.

The rolling average daily rate of people testing positive for the virus remained low, at about 1.7 percent as of Friday.

According to the health department, there were 41 new COVID-19 infections reported during the week ending Sept. 19 at skilled nursing facilities—25 among residents and 16 among staff. During the week of Aug. 8, there were 123 new cases reported at skilled nursing facilities (SNFs).

The county noted, however, that more than half of the 41 cases reported during the week ending Sept. 19 occurred among staff and residents who were fully vaccinated.

County officials said 88 percent of skilled nursing facility staff are fully vaccinated, and 91 percent of staff. A mandate that took effect Thursday requires all staff at SNFs to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, while those receiving medical or religious exemptions must undergo twice-weekly testing.

“We thank all health care workers complying with the state and county vaccination requirements,” Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer said.

“Their support ensures we are protecting each other and our patients as we comply with these and other public health safety measures.

“We also support the state as they plan to add COVID-19 to the list of already required vaccines for schools,” she said. “Among Los Angeles County teens 12 to 17 years old eligible for the vaccine, 59 percent are fully vaccinated. With vaccines an extremely safe and highly protective defense against COVID-19, we remain focused on increasing vaccination rates as quickly as possible.”

Figures Ferrer provided Thursday showed 77 percent of eligible Los Angeles County residents aged 12 and over have received at least one vaccine dose, and 69 percent are fully vaccinated. Among the county’s overall 10.3 million population, including those under age 12 who aren’t yet eligible for shots, 66 percent have received at least one dose and 59 percent are fully vaccinated.

While Ferrer said the overall numbers are impressive, “millions of eligible residents remain unvaccinated.”

Black residents continue to have the lowest vaccination rate in the county, with just 54 percent having received at least one dose. Latino residents have a 62 percent vaccination rate, while 72 percent of white residents have at least one dose and 81 percent of Asians.

Starting Thursday, at least one dose of vaccine will be required for anyone attending an outdoor mega-event of 10,000 or more people in the county, and for anyone patronizing or working at an indoor bar, brewery, winery, or distillery. Full vaccination will be required in those settings starting Nov. 4. The city of West Hollywood has enacted a similar mandate at indoor businesses, with the same deadline, and the city of Los Angeles is expected to approve the same rule this week.

Los Angeles Unified School District students taking part in extracurricular activities must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 31, while all district students must be fully vaccinated by Dec. 19.

City News Service


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