COVID-19: More than 5 million deaths in the world

COVID-19: More than 5 million deaths in the world

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The pandemic that Covid-19 unleashed at the beginning of 2020 has left as a balance, so far, more than five million deaths, of which more than 700 thousand were registered in the United States.

In addition, the The number of victims continues to worsen from one week to the next, showing how the coronavirus persists due to the Delta variant and despite vaccines.

If there were 2.5 million deaths in 12 months, the other 2.5 million occurred in just eight months , according to international press reports, according to which there were an average of 8,000 deaths last week for Covid-19 per day worldwide, around five per minute.

These are alarming figures, especially in light of the availability of vaccines, which is wide at least in developed countries and where the debate centers on the administration of e the third dose.

Only in the United States, where vaccines are not lacking and are readily available everywhere, the sad threshold of 700,000 deaths since the start of the pandemic has been exceeded, or as many as the entire population of the capital Washington DC or Boston.

The recent wave of Covid-19 with the Delta variant is mainly affecting the unvaccinated in the southern states, where the inoculation rate is low and the “non-vax” fight with all their might to defend their rights.

Despite a tight campaign to promote vaccine safety, a hard core of Americans is not giving up.

Or at least it didn’t budge so far, so a lot will depend on state-level vaccine obligations.

Meanwhile, in New York the obligation of state doctors and nurses went into effect, triggering a race to get immunized so as not to lose their jobs after failed attempts legal resources.

In fact, the courts so far have not been condescending to those who oppose the vaccine, and have rejected their claims of suspension of the obligation on several occasions.

The last ruling in this regard came from the Supreme Court of States United: Judge Sonia Sotomayor, assigned to evaluate emergency requests, rejected a request made by four New York City teachers to suspend the Covid-19 vaccine requirement.

The obligation began on Friday at 5 pm. unvaccinated teachers will be suspended without pay when they hear them They will reopen on Monday.

However, the most audacious attempt of vaccinations in the United States is that of California, where all students will be required when the health authorities have given the final approval for all ages.

For now, the Covid vaccine was approved from the age of 16, while only emergency authorization was granted for those from 12 to 15 years.

Once the federal authorities have given the final go-ahead even at 12-15 years, the state will require the vaccine requirement in public and private schools.

The same goes for elementary schools.

That’s an important test that, if it works, could lead the way in America.

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