Covid-19: Ticket sales for the Winter Olympics canceled

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced today that only specific groups of spectators will be allowed at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, canceling the sale of tickets to the public due to the current pandemic situation of covid-19.

«To ensure the safety of all participants and spectators, it was decided that tickets will no longer be sold, but rather delivered, through a special program, to groups of spectators to be on site during the competitions », reads a statement.

According to the IOC, these measures will be valid for the competition scheduled for between 4 and 20 February and also for the Paralympic Winter Games, scheduled for between 4 and March 13.

Initially, the organization had decided to only sell tickets to residents of China to reduce the risk of contagion from the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus.

Beijing today tightened controls on access to the city after a contagion by transmission was detected on Saturday. ocal of the Ómicron variant of the coronavirus.

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