Crave and Trailer Park Boys producers create new TV show, The Trades

Crave has announced a new series called The Trades from the producers of the Trailer Park Boys. The Tradesis an eight-part 30-minute comedy set at an oil refinery.

The series stars the character Todd Stool, played by Robb Wells of the Trailer Park Boysa pipefitter with a working-class background and a collection of big boy toys. Other actors include Anastasia Phillips, Patrick McKenna, Tom Green, Jennifer Spence, Jesse Camacho, Jason Daley, Brandon Oakes and more.

The premise is the crew works at an oil refinery and plays pranks on one another.

The Trades will be available in English and French and is set to be filmed in Canada. Canadian Ryan J. Lindsay is the creator, writer and executive producer of the series.

The series is co-produced by Trailer Park Boys Inc. and Kontent House Inc in association with Bell Media’s Crave and in participation with the Nova Scotia Film & Television Production Incentive Fund.

Source: Bell

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