Cuban hockey goals await on the Avilanian court

Ciego de Ávila.-With stumbling blocks, immobility, justifications and unfulfilled delivery dates, the investment process for the construction of the synthetic hockey field, next to the Giraldo Córdova Cardín sports hall, in this city has been fulfilled.

In September 2017 the components arrived, donated by the International Federation of the discipline, and the delays caused the expiration of a part of the chemical elements: adhesives, resins, and damage to the grass is not ruled out , for several years out in the open.

Raúl Fornés Valenciano, first vice president of Inder, and Omar Venegas Echemendía, also vice head of the organization, met with these incidents in a visit to the work, planned to be delivered next November. “Delivery times cannot continue to be extended, as they slow down the development of discipline in Ciego de Ávila and in the country,” Fornés said before Party, Government, sports and construction authorities.

In addition to the delays, the incorrect investment process caused resource surpluses, such as rocky and hot asphalt concrete, in addition to cracking, loss of compaction, unevenness and subsidence.

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